Mar 9, 2022 | Empowerment
Most women don’t like to be called a bitch. Understandable. This is not a flattering word, no matter where you trace its origins to. The term “bitch” is affixed to women who are seen as unreasonable, controlling, aggressive, or dominant. You know, exhibiting typically...
Jan 26, 2022 | Empowerment
It’s 2022 and the world seems as crazy as ever. One topic that never ceases to engage people, religions, governments, and corporations, is health. It’s not because everyone is passionate to improve our collective health, but rather that everyone has an idea on how to...
Dec 12, 2021 | Empowerment
It was my first romance book from the library that ignited me for the first time. I must have been fifteen or so. I didn’t know what the strange but addictive gnawing in my belly was. I read the story, the dirty, detailed descriptions. I raced through dinner so I...
Sep 22, 2021 | Empowerment
1. You feel judged or judgmental of others When you have a strict set of Dos and Don’ts, it becomes exceptionally easy to look around and see who is breaking the rules. We did this as children. We ratted out our siblings or classmates when they broke the rules. This...
Sep 13, 2021 | Empowerment
With every new discovery man has questioned their place in the cosmos. We once thought the sun was a god. The sea, too. In fact, before we knew better, everything we didn’t fully understand was given mythical powers to be explained away. Why wonder where the rain...