
reclamation of rest

Eco-Therapeutic Walks

Connect to the Earth

Reclaim your connection to the earth by doing what comes most intuitively to you. Taking your shoes off, smelling the flowers, marveling at the ant, and maybe having a chat with a tree as you inhale deep breaths of fresh air. They call it eco-therapy and it means we’ve forgotten how to do this, but clearly, we need it. I’ve learned how and I’d gladly lead a walk for you and help you remember.

Wheel of the Year Events

Connect to the Cycles of the Earth

Our ancestors once lived according to the cycles of the earth. While nowadays our Spring doesn’t look much different from our Autumns. But I’m thinking our ancestors were onto something. Do you feel energetic in the Spring? Tired in Winter? We once remembered our inner seasons alongside out outer. Learning to have periods of rest and activity, planning and harvest just as the earth enjoys, is refreshing. These fun events are a great reminder!

Moon Circles for Women

Connect to the Cycles of the Moon

Our ancestors also once lived according to the cycles of the moon. Women especially so. And I think it’s time this connection was reclaimed. By following the cycles of the moon, we remember to have periods of rest, celebration, and more. Life is not about the work. It’s a cycle. These circles are a fun reminder and an opportunity to connect to the many sides of the feminine as well as the elements themed according to a specific phase of the moon for women to reclaim this connection.

reclamation of play & Expression


We used to dance as children. Quite ridiculously actually. Sometimes we’d get so into it, we’d close our eyes, as though transported somewhere else. Dance was intuitive, ecstatic, and always felt good. We didn’t care what others thought. We were connected to our body. Dance has reconnected me to mine. Custom playshops to connect you to your body, to play, to movement. 


Nature didn’t always feel like home. I had to return to it after being separated from it most of my life. Not necessarily physically, but in all other ways, from using food as medicine, to living according to the earth’s cycles, to enjoying the profound act of coming to presence simply by siting under a tree a moment. Custom playshops to connect you to nature outside and within.


Expression isn’t typically encouraged in public, like at work, but often it’s in private we keep even more in. Peacekeeping tendencies prevented true expression. It’s only through expressing it as adults, whether in art, writing, clay, song, dance and more, these custom playshops will help you remember not only how good it feels to express yourself, but how natural.


In a world where productivity and gold stars are encouraged, play wasn’t something that came easy to me. I doubt I’m alone in that. Yet I’ve learned that life IS play. Life is chaotic and beautiful, planned and sporatic, i.e. playful. There is no guaranteed “purpose” to life but to live, as all other life on earth. What else is expected from startdust? So from squirtguns to hula hoops, these custom playshops will bring the epitomy of play and remind you of what life is really all about

reclamation of curiosity

Inner Journeys

Explore Your Subconsious

We don’t know what we don’t know, and the truth is, most of us are controlled by what we don’t know – our subconscious. It holds all the programming, conditioning, and survival skills we took on in childhood. Journeying to these inner levels allows for curious exploration and always leads to greater awareness. Through visualizations supported by breath, these levels can be explored, knowing you are in a safe space.

somatic integration

Feel it in Your Body

Nature didn’t always feel like home. I had to return to it after being separated from it most of my life. Not necessarily physically, but in all other ways, from using food as medicine, to living according to the earth’s cycles, to enjoying the profound act of coming to presence simply by siting under a tree a moment. Custom playshops to connect you to nature outside and within.

share circles

Be Held By Others

There is somthing special about sitting in a circle with people you can trust. Better yet – strangers you can trust. Why strangers? There is no history with strangers. They have no reason NOT to send you anything but love, nor to be anything but curious about you. Curiosity allows us to share, and sharing is truly powerful. Whatever your share circle needs, I’m happy to help.

How can I help? Send me a message!

8 + 13 =