writing & advocacy

 Using writing to heal religious trauma, expose the patriarchy and harmful organizations, and advocate for a better world for everyone. I share what I know, what I learn, and what I think.


Where I process, often times unconsciously, my journey out of organized religion and back to myself. Every piece I reclaim a bit of myself, whether that’s my power, my independence, my sexuality, or something else. This is my art and my healing.


While not exactly “SEO-friendly,” I must write what is in my heart. Oftentimes these are thoughts I’ve been sitting on, but which disturb me greatly. These articles are where I express my truest rage, harshest opinions, and best advice from my journey. It is my hope that these articles spread awareness, while also helping those like myself.


If I have advice to give, this is where it lands. My blog is where I not only share my journey, but where I offer tools, perspectives, and wisdom I’ve gained over the years. If you want to know how I hope to change the world, you’ll get an idea through these posts. It’s here you can subscribe and follow along. I hope you find something helpful, comforting, or inspiring.