Rise from the Lies
Reclaim the Real You
with Me

Most of us will never question our beliefs, our habits, our “identity”. Most of us live unconsciously, the survival tactics learned as children continuing to run the show, despite them causing us more harm than good. Whether from society, the patriarchy, religion, or unconscious parenting, the programming goes deep in all of us, particularly women. None of us want to believe these lies about ourselves, and the beauty is, we don’t have to. We can choose to awaken, to question, and then rise from these lies, and live as conscious, empowered beings.
with Me

Part of becoming conscious is embracing what was condemned by those “in charge”. Whether by our parents, our religion, or society as a whole, so much of what makes us human we were told was bad. This includes play, self-love, rest, as well as connection to our bodies and to nature. This condemnation goes even deeper for women, where our voices, sexuality, ambitions, and even thoughts were deemed dangerous or sinful. To truly thrive as conscious beings, we must remember what we need as humans to be content and fulfilled.
with Me

Once we rise from the lies, and rediscover what it means to be human, we can then use this knowledge to welcome the parts that have been abandoned because of those lies. This is where we find our “shadow”, our inner child, and our truest and highest self. We can compassionately process our pain, slowly plant new, empowering beliefs, develop joyful habits that support those beliefs, and dedicate ourselves fully to being our curious, confident, present, and loving real self. This is the hard part. But it is also the most fun and exciting part.
Hi! I’m Shelby.
And I was lied to.
(And you may have been too.)
About My Worth & Purpose
They told me my worth lied in my purity, my beauty, and my productivity. I could always be better. There was no time for play or rest. Failure was to be avoided at all costs. I would never be enough, could never do enough. Even upon my death, judgement awaited.
About My Body & Sexuality
They said my body was “sinful,” a temptation, distinct from the “self.” It was something I would never understand, and should trust the experts over myself to k now what is best for it. My sexuality was either meant for others or non-existent. I ought to control and suppress all of it, and trust the experts over myself on what is best for it.
About Nature & The Cosmos
They said I was separate from nature, above it, and encouraged me to utilize it for my needs. They told me the world was small, and humans were the pinnacle of life, even confining God to a once-human (male, btw). They placed God outside of nature, the Cosmos, and myself.
I’m Choosing A different path
I’m Choosing A different path
Over perfect
Over isolated
Over productive
Over Repressed
Because it turns out… I’m made of
(And so are you!)
Because it turns out…I’m made of
(And so are you!)
Enough Dogma.
Just Remembering. Reconnecting. Reclaiming.
Reconnect to the “Dark” Feminine

Women haven’t always been seen as second-class citizens. Femininity was once whole and complex and complete. But the patriarchy has comparmentalize the feminine into what serves them and what doesn’t. Reduced to mother and wife, every other feminine quality shamed. Her voice, her sexuality, her ambitions, her connection to the beyond, all sinful, unlady-like, and wholy frowned upon. As were her other forms of power; the herbalist was called witch, the stripper is called whore, the business executive is called bitch. So, naturally, many of us believe our feminine power is shameful, bad, dark. This is the biggest lie of them all. The one I’m most passionate about. It is through reconnecting to these “dark” aspects of our femininity, we are released from the lies that once kept us small. Dark is a judgement, and it screams of fear. If we can bravely bring these aspects into the light, they will no longer be dark. Because the truth is, they never were.
Reconnecting to Nature

We are not as separate from nature as most organizations would have you believe. Sadly, this severed connection traps us in a separative, human-only and human-first, concept of life. Leaving us racing to a finish line that never comes, competing with each other for reasons unknown, and living to consume. By reclaiming this connection our ancestors once had with nature, we return to simple truths we once knew. We can remember the healing powers of plants, the calming influence of walking barefoot, and the loving influence of animals. By reconnecting to the cycles of the year and moon, we can embrace each season in our own lives. We are able to reclaim phases of growth and rest, as reflected in all of nature. And above all, by reconnecting to nature, we are reminded that we are enough; there is nothing that will influence our innate worth. In nature, we are reminded that we can just be.
Reconnect to Nature

Reconnect to the Inner Child

We can give ourselves what we ought to have had as children, and what we still unconsciously still seek as adults. By becoming the parent we needed, and listening with curiosity to what our inner child tells us, we can strive to understand them and how they influence our daily thoughts, behaviors, ambitions and beyond. We can remember how to play passionately and laugh heartily, without thought of productivity, and we can reclaim regular emotional expression though any medium we like, such as dance, art, writing, and music. By exploring our many layers, the conditioning and wounds, the programming and limiting religious and societal dogma, we can discover who we truly are and what we truly need. And what we need is love. If we can provide what we need to feel loved, and essentially safe, we can begin chipping away at the survival masks we wear and step into our truest, most authentic selves.
There is no “one way”
to process trauma, overcome depression, treat anxiety, become empowered, or find contentment in life
There are many. And they are practices – not cures.
These are my paths based on my journey and needs. I hope they help you on yours.
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I Know You’re Frustrated
How long have you been out of your religion? Are you frustrated that you aren’t 100% recovered? Are you sad that you feel like you’re still struggling with the issues of faith...
Embrace THe Power of Self-Compassion
In the world of religion the only one who could show you love and compassion was an imaginary figure in the sky. He may have been called father, brother, savior, etc. It was only...