Being The Black Sheep

Being The Black Sheep

When we heard jokes or stories about “black sheep” we knew we never wanted to be one. They were weird. Loners. The ones people snickered about behind their backs, the ones mother’s advised against associating with, and somehow often the ones we were attracted to. Why...
You Deserve Joy After Religion

You Deserve Joy After Religion

When we make the difficult decision to leave our religion, we make a choice to leave community, friends, family, even hobbies we once regularly participated in. In leaving all this familiarity, we begin to focus on rebuilding our new life. We seek out new friends or...
Be Patient With Yourself After Religion

Be Patient With Yourself After Religion

Humans are nothing, if not impatient. Our world has given us things instantly, and so we’ve come to demand instant satisfaction and instant progress. Anyone who has experienced a drastic shift in mindset knows the struggle of expecting the rest of your life to...
Live Fearlessly After Religion

Live Fearlessly After Religion

Humans have always gotten pleasure out of being right. Whether it’s an argument over which actress played that one role in that one movie, or which was the correct exit to take, there is something we relish in being correct. On the flipside, there is also much fear in...