Find inspiration, validation, motivation, and maybe even a little humor as you rise from the lies and reclaim your true self.
Reclaiming Self-Love Outside Religion
Religion teaches us that love must be earned from someone else. False. It’s time to begin reclaiming self-love once and for all.
The Need for Sister Circles
The need for sister circles is higher than ever, especially if you’ve left high-demand religions. Here’s why.
Build Self-Worth After Leaving Religion
I have been out of Mormonism for a few years. Long enough that I can laugh at who I was as a member, not so long that I have recovered from the brainwashing. I wish I could tell you that once you leave a cult, the brainwashing goes too. I wish I could say it's...
You Are Enough Without Religion
If you clicked on this page, odds are you, like most of us, struggle with feeling like you’re not enough. It sounds easy to tell yourself, “I’m enough!” However, believing it is a whole other ball of wax. I won’t lie, I’m working on this daily, hourly even. So first,...
Choose the Right to Choose Wrong
If your religion always pressured you to choose the right, it’s time to let go of this one-dimensional thinking.
3 Things Ex-Christian Women Need
If you’re an Ex-Christian woman or other Ex-Religious woman, there are three important things to focus on as you navigate this new world.
Trying to Drop the Yoke of Perfectionism
This post is exceptionally passionate and, therefore, curse words abound. You’ve been warned, you adorable human, you!* Some got straight A’s. Some never swore or revealed their shoulders. Some never dated. Some joined extra-curricular activities and clubs. A few may...
Seeing Beyond the Likes: Ditching Social Currency for Well-being
Sitting on my hard bunk bed in the middle of a hostel in the heart of Taichung, Taiwan, I took a deep breath and clicked ‘delete.’ In the blink of an eye, I became invisible to the world. My likes, my “friends”, my entire identity suddenly vanished. And yet as I sat...
Balanced Through Nature: How Nature Gives Us Exactly What We Need
The natural world is a magnificent one. Full of life, functioning in ways we are still attempting to understand. Personally, while I always had a great love of animals, plants seemed to be relatively ignored. I didn’t mean to ignore them, but I was never taught about...