Mar 14, 2023 | Self-Love, Self-Worth
In the world of religion the only one who could show you love and compassion was an imaginary figure in the sky. He may have been called father, brother, savior, etc. It was only this person who could show compassion, and through him only that we were able to show...
Mar 7, 2023 | Circle Messages, Empowerment, Sovereignty
Being alone has always been portrayed in society as something to avoid. If we were ever alone at school, we worried about being branded “loners.” If we didn’t have lots of friends, we were seen as lame. If we didn’t participate in lots of activities and clubs, we were...
Feb 28, 2023 | Circle Messages, Empowerment
If you’ve ever wished you could take your brain out and give it a good scrubbing, you aren’t alone. Our brains seem to enjoy tormenting us with perceived problems so that we can spend the time to “fix” them. From criticizing your diet and sociability, to commenting on...
Feb 20, 2023 | Empowerment
Why do we go through such efforts to avoid pain? Especially after something traumatic has happened, such as walking away from a religion that had mapped out your entire life? When a scar is healing, it can itch and sting. When we are hurt by someone, we may feel like...